Friday, December 18, 2009



"Do you recognize me? I used to be a respectable citizen. I had a good job and a promising future. I made only one mistake - I went drinking with Steve. ...Anyone got $10,000 for bail?"

You know the plot.

His brother sets him up with his wife's cousin Nadia, who is new in town and wants to socialize, but he was warned that if she gets drunk, she loses control and becomes wild.

When you first meet Steve it's the same thing.

He looks like an innocent preppy that might drink a few beers. Then you're warned that he can get pretty wild when he drinks. You take another look at him and say to yourself " No way"

Next thing you know the guy is 25 beers deep and shitting in a parking lot. Don't say you weren't warned.

Plays some great golf but there's always the possiblity of a mental breakdown. His singles matches against Andy and Chris can best be described as " a rollercoaster ride of emotions"

Buyer Beware


  1. Very nice comeback from the Phil/Phil debacle. Well done Shiek. (I'll even spell your name "right" this time)
