Friday, March 23, 2018

Myrtle Beach Game of Thrones Characters

Timmy Halloran - Jaime Lannister

Both were formidable swordsmen back in the day.  Both suffered serious injuries that negatively affected their craft, Jamie getting his sword hand lopped off and Timmy getting married.  Seems like the fire has gone out for Jaime, and the fear is the same for Timmy in Myrtle.

Mark Loring - Lord Commander Jeor Mormont

Lord Commander hails from Bear Island.  Both men with loud, booming voices heard throughout the realm. 

Jerry Morelli - The Night King

Ice water runs in Jerry’s veins down in Myrtle.  Both men can hit shots from all over the course whether it be a long bomb off the tee (spear) or a 70 foot dagger on the 17th at Caledonia to kill both Hanlon and Bergy simultaneously.  Despite all their success, it’s still very difficult to root for the favorite.

Eric Vinitsky - Davos Seaworth

Both learned men from the sea with Davos as a pirate and Eric at Mass Maritime.  Both are also are from the same shady part of Westeros, Davos from Flea Bottom and Eric from Savin Hill.

Red Light - Samwell Tarly

Like Sam, Red Light is a wise man who is well-read.  Speaks well and pronounces his R’s.  However, at this point he is just as likely to slay a white walker as he is to gain a point in Myrtle.

Mike Mannion - Jon Snow

With the amount of injuries Mike has sustained in the past, it feels as though he has come back from the dead at least a couple times.  That said, Mike has won more than he’s lost on the course with the help of some milk of the poppy.

Matt Talbot - The Hound

While complete opposites in stature, they could not be more alike with their general disposition and ability to be continually grumpy. While he makes no bones how much he dislikes you, for some reason you still like Matt anyway.  Piss Off.

Matt Perry - Robert Baratheon

Barrel chested leader who commands the respect of all around him.  Wine was the ultimate reason Robert was slain, will Captain Perry succumb to the same fate in Myrtle?

Sean Breslin - Arya Stark

Consistently mischaracterized as a quiet, soft spoken person, but is really a silent assassin down in Myrtle.  Like Arya early on, it remains to be seen if Bres can still be a killer without the help of some lumber on his side.

Frank Shea - Tywin Lannister

Similar to Tywin, he gains the respect of everyone based on prior conquests.  Works well in many circles, and will make friends with anyone that can help him further his empire.  Despite all his gold, Tywin and Frank’s MB record ultimately lose in the end.

Peter Quinn - Khal Drogo

Peter was Khal-like on the course last year by going undefeated and winning MVP.  In their personal lives, both spent very little time married and both ended up getting suffocated by their much smaller, angrier, blonde wives.

Steve Morelli - Robb Stark

Bloodlines run strong with both Robb and Steve.  Both men have won many battles on the field, and because of that both men do give off an air of entitlement, especially when met with resistance by golf course starters.  Both men also married well above their means.

Jamie Wright - Brienne of Tarth

Both tall and handsome.  Lady Bri and Jamie equally effective with their swords. Bri on the battlefield and Jamie with his ex-students.

Phil Talbot - Reek/Theon

Both men have had to survive their own brand of torture. Phil’s is slightly more impressive by dealing with family and working 3309384 hours a week.  Plus both are filthy human beings. 

Phil Byrne - Hodor

Both lovable, huggable characters.  Plus, just about everyone on this trip have seen both of their cocks.

Tim Young - Loras Tyrell

If rompers were in style in Westeros, you can bet your ass Loras Tyrell would take a page out of Tim’s playbook. 

Mark Bergstrom - Greyworm

Both share major comeback stories.  Grey worm beds arguably Westeros' hottest woman in Missandei after getting his balls chopped off. While Mark proverbially had his balls chopped off at Butterbrook only to come back and win Myrtles sexiest prize with a WPS win in his rookie year.
Joe Morrison - Tyrion Lannister

Both diminutive men in their own right.  Both drink and know things.  Should be noted that both men have come back from debilitating facial injuries in the field of battle.  One at the hand of a sword, one with a vicious paintball strike.

Derek Byrne - Margaery Tyrell

Sexiest pick down in Myrtle.  Everyone wants to ‘play’ with both of them.  Both have spent time defending themselves in a court of law.  Derek’s wrongful charge: handicap embellishment over the course of a decade.  

Murph - Tommen Baratheon

Both little boys and both with big titles. Lets hope Medium Murph's prowess as a captain is better than his detective skills.  Heavy lies the crown...

John Mannion - Varys

Identical perfectly symmetrical bald heads.  Though John's 'parts' weren’t cut off for blood magic, he simply lost his many years ago to a Galway Girl.

Sheik - Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger

Both are street smart fellows who advise many people on many topics.  Both have a strange fixation on the redheads.  Like Littlefinger, he can rarely be trusted and generally loses more times than he wins.

John Hanlon - Jaqen H'ghar

Now you see him, now you don’t.  You never quite know where he is at any given moment.  Will Hanlon wear the LVP face again this year? 

Chaz - Joffrey Baratheon

Need I say more?

Pictures and content by Bergy and Peter.